Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Using the AMQP Step Plugin


  1. Start Spoon by navigating to your Kettle directory and running spoon.bat.
    This plugin is available only as a transformation step; it is not available as a Job plugin.
  2. Select File > New > Transformation to create a new Transformation.
  3. In the Design tab choose the Alterian category, then choose the Message Queue plugin and drag it to the transformation panel.
  4. In the Design tab choose the Output category, then choose the text file output step and drag it to the transformation Panel.
  5. Link the Message Queue input step to the text file output step.
  6. Double-click on the text file output step, select the Fields tab and click the Get Fields button.
  7. Select Add all.
  8. Save the transformation.
    Your initial transformation should look like this:

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